What I wore last night :)
Place was jam packed, I guess alot of bloggers showed up. Was not able to take a lot of pictures because I'm running out of battery ( Blame the boyfriend.), And sorry for the quality of photos, I only use my phone's cam on taking pictures! x) Anyways, there were foods, also free kettle korn popcorns that are being distributed by their staffs. To bad We weren't able to get one, cause they ran out of stock:( Huhuhuhu.

The movie started around 10pm. And maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. From start until the last part, I was O____O Amazed. I love everything about the movie. Action Scenes, Effects, Story, Lesson, Actors, etc.. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK! I really am not good on writing movie reviews, But If I were to rate the movie, I'll give a 5 out of 5. I don't know. I'm just so amazed, I'm sorry. lol
Again, Thanks to Nuffnang PH and Kettle Korn!
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