Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hello, I am back! Had a hard time finding time to update le blog because:

a) Work schedule's a bitch. Was a vampire for the past few months. From morning then night then afternoon then back to night shift. It made me kereeyyyyzehhhh!

b) I stopped drinking coffee which made my sleeping habits back to normal. So after work, I sleep, then i wake up to prepare for work tapos pa ikot ikot ikot ikot ikot na.

c) Personal Computer went MIA. And had been using my phone / tab since forever.

Thank God my work schedule went back to normal and is stuck for 3 months. Now I would have more time to blog and blog and blog and blog. I still update my instagram though. I always post my ootd's there. Follow me! @exkishmepls

That's actually it! Expect lotsaaaa new post! :D

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